Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rebooting Days 2-3

Days 2 & 3 were honestly a bit hard.  Harder than I initially anticipated, especially after doing a 30day just a couple months ago.  I have really had to focus and get into the WORD.  In whatever way I can.  Remembering that this is first and foremost a spiritual fast.  I have no need to loose more weight right now, so it seems easier to want to just stop.  I think because the 30day juice fast I did back in Sept/Oct was primarily for health and weight reasons.  So as much as I was excited to start this fast, I really had to refocus my why.

I am actually writing this on the morning of day 4, looking back at the past couple days.  It has really been amazing how God is already working.

Before we started this fast, my husband and I discussed some of our own desires, needs, and made some goals for the new year within our marriage.  One was: for the next 3 months we are going to do something nice and unselfish for the other person.  Admittedly, we can both be very selfish people.  The things we have done so far aren't anything huge, just things that say, "hey, I'm putting you first" or "I desire to do this for you because I can".  Simple stuff and without the other person asking.  Chris and I think we've got a pretty great marriage, but we also know there is always room for improvement, hence God giving us these ideas :)

Some examples:
1. Let your spouse have a "me day".  Chris got to go out with a friend on Saturday and hang out at Lewis & Clark, then go watch the new MI4 movie.  Then on Monday, I went out and got a new pair of shoes :)
2. Smile, Hug, Kiss - show each other physical attention without being sexual.  Just because you love them and want to show them you love them.  Some people only know how to show love in a sexual way, and for us women in particular, that's just not enough.  We need passion, to be wooo'd, romanced, and sought after, etc...
3. Sit down and just talk with one another after the kiddos go to bed about what God is doing in each of our lives. Sharing scriptures He's given us each.
4. Iron their clothes
5. Chris, knowing I wanted a shower on Saturday before he left, offered to finish up the kiddos baths and get them all dried off and dressed by himself so I could get a shower in.
....just a few examples

All of the above things may not seem like huge deals, but when you add all the little things up they are HUGE!  And our marriage is already benefiting in a big way!

I have also been reading Love As A Way of Life by Gary Chapman, and got the idea to do a Kindness list to start out the New Year.  Chris liked it so much he has decided that we should do one each day of our 3 month marriage enrichment time we are doing.  We have found that it's really hard to not feel blessed when you look at all the kindnesses shown to you throughout the day, and in turn desire to do more kind things for others.  Doing this really means paying attention and focusing outward.  Opening your eyes to all the "small" things.

Chris and I had an amazing discussion last night about what God is showing each of us.
The biggest thing God has really shown me the past couple of days is : SIMPLICITY

Genesis 5:-21-24
21 When Enoch was 65 years old, he became the father of Methuselah.22 After the birth of Methuselah, Enoch lived in close fellowship with God for another 300 years, and he had other sons and daughters.23 Enoch lived 365 years,24 walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him.

This is so powerful to me.  Go and read Gen 5:1-32.  NO ONE else was described as such a man.  One who "walked in close fellowship with God."  

Simplicity.  Walk with God

Then I read in the Gary Chapman book a quote by Sacrates, "Beware of the barrenness of a busy life."

Again showing me to stop filling the schedule so much with things that are FOR God, because that isn't what He desires most.  He desires that I walk with Him.  Simple right?  And yet so easy to forget.

So this year, my personal "resolution" so to speak is to keep everything simple.  Not to over think things, not to strive on my own (because it's God that works all things out and fights for us), not to doubt my own ability or gifts, not to feel guilty because I'm not doing as much or the same thing as someone else (because we all have our own calling.  And without the anointing and calling we work in vain and without true purpose.  God has given us each a specific calling).  Instead I will simply walk with God and trust in Him to work anything else out.  None of this is rocket science.  It's all stuff I've read and known before, but this time it has just really struck a cord and brought new insight.  And God always does that right when we need it.  

About juicing....
I juiced one drink yesterday and it lasted all day....
3 oranges
3 apples
1 lemon
1 small piece of ginger
2 stalks celery
2 kale leaves
2 handfuls spinach

I hope all of you who are juice fasting are enjoying all the benefits!  It will definitely give you added energy and just all around feel at a all time healthy best.  At least it does for me when I juice. 

And most importantly, get into the WORD!

I leave you with a link to a sermon that was especially powerful during this time.  And towards the beginning there is a super cool vid/worship song of the "Global Choir".  Elevation Church had viewers from all over the world submit YouTube vid's singing a song that they sing there at Elevation.  Then took every single one of those entries, put them on the screen, played them at the same time and made a "Global Choir."  It is nothing short of Awe.  Enjoy:

Code Orange Christmas

Happy juicing!

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